The sample is irradiated with laser to generate light of a certain wavelength so that it passes through the objective lens objective lens, and only the light that is exactly in focus is separated by the detector aperture to be received by the detector and converted into a digital signal. It is then observed using a computer. Laser can penetrate deep into the sample, and by taking an image, it is possible to observe 3D images of living cells.
1. Laser lines: Diode laser 405nm 30mW, Ar laser 457or458, 488, 514nm 25mW, DPSS laser 561nm 20mW with HeNe laser 633nm 5mW, White Light Laser(470-670nm tunable laser), HeNe laser (594nm) 2mW 2. 2 PMT and 2 Ultra high sensitive GaSaP detector 3. 13 frames/sec with 512x512 pixels (max. 428 frames/sec) 4. Objective: 10x/0.45, 20x/0.80, 40x/1.2 Water, 63x/1.4 Oil 5. Superresolution: fast Airyscan
It is used to observe the therapeutic performance of micro/nanorobots.
It is used for micrometer-scale 3D measurement of FPD, MEMS, glass substrate, semiconductor, etc., as it is possible to measure 3D shapes with high resolution while maintaining the characteristics of a general optical microscope.
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