A piece of equipment for biological test analysis that can analyze images of fluorescent materials, gel for analyzing nucleic acid, SDSPAGE gel, immunochemical luminous images, immunofluorescence images, and forms of bacterial colonies
1. Bio-imaging system
(1) CCD Model: FujifilmTM Super CCD Area Type chip
(15.6 x 23.4 mm)
(2) Chip resolution: 2048 x 1472 pixels, 3.2 mega pixels
(3) Image resolution: up to 2816 x 2048 pixels, 5.8 mega pixels
(4) Light source
- Blue Epi light: 460 nm
- Green Epi light: 520 nm
- Red Epi light: 630 nm
- UV transillumination light: 312 nm
- White light (Epi)
- White light (trans) calibrated OD measurement
(5) Emission filters
Cy2: 525BP20
Cy3 / EtBr: 605BP40
Cy5: 705BP40
2. Data analysis software
A complex system that enables automatic observation of fluorescent images without the processing of film developing and washing solutions that are harmful to the human body, and can easily observe the morphological changes in cells caused by exposure of environmentally-hazardous materials.
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